Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Fun With Idioms

Fun Idioms Using the Word 'Dog'

I know dogs are not as cool as cats, but I was surfing the web tonight and found this neat page of dog idioms that I wanted to share with all my pals out there.
The word 'dog' is not always used for four-legged furry types. It commonly has other meanings in the English language. Idioms are phrases that mean something different than the words that make them up. For example, the phrase, "eats like a bird" means to eat a small amount. It doesn't actually have anything to do with a bird.
If you want to have more adventures with idioms, check out our Fun with Idioms Card Deck & Book 1 as well as set #2. Buy the deck and get the book free!

Well, I'm dog-tired, so I'm off to take a cat nap.

Keep Purring,



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